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Great tips for painting - first part

Are you going to paint your wooden house soon? We have set up a number of points you should consider. The most important is to take care of the foundation, weather, humidity and temperature both during the painting process and afterwards. Read on the first edition tips below.

First tip: check the weather before you paint
Not all weather is good. Few people would want to stand and paint when it is raining, consequently also the newly painted surface should not be exposed to rain. Until the paint has dried properly, the rain can make the surface to become discolored and dull that it must be repainted again.

Second tip: Matte paint
Also dew on half dry paint can cause matting of the colour. It happens when the liner gets dull stains and shiny nail heads. This occurs especially in late summer and autumn, when temperature differences between day and night can be large.
A good tip to prevent dew is to paint early in the day so that the paint has dried properly before the evening.

Third tip: invest in a moisture meter
Previously, moisture meters were relatively expensive tools reserved only for craftsmen. Now there's moisture meters down to only 20$-30$. Check the moisture in the wood if it is not higher than 15% to be sure that you the moisture will not spoil the paint.

Fourth tip: avoid strong sunlight when painting
In the hot sun, the paint could get blisters. It is most ideal to start from the shady side of the house. Therefore, later you go ahead (or behind) the sun around the house and paint it.

Otherwise, let Ekobustas to paint your wooden house in the factory and do not worry about all these issues!